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About 關於

Hang Ki Choi holds a master’s degree in Music Theory from the Mannes School of Music and a bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology from New York University. During her time at Mannes, she studied music theory with many distinguished theorists and composers, such as Lynne Rogers (former President of the Society of Music Theory), Robert Cuckson (Chair of the Techniques of Music department), and the renowned composer, David Loeb. In addition to her study in music theory, Hang Ki is also a mezzo-soprano, studying voice with Virginia Grasso.
In 2020, she was awarded with the Felix Salzer Techniques of Music award, given to the student who has achieved excellence in the Techniques of Music curriculum. Hang Ki currently teaches music theory, musicianship and tonal/post-tonal analysis at Hong Kong Baptist University.


蔡幸淇在美國曼尼斯音樂學院(Mannes School of Music)取得音樂碩士學位和在紐約大學(New York University)取得理科學士學位。在曼尼斯她跟了美國樂理學會(Society for Music Theory) 前主席Lynne Rogers,曼尼斯樂理系主任Robert Cuckson和著名作曲家David Loeb學習音樂理論。除了樂理之外,蔡幸淇也是一位女中音,跟隨了著名女高音Virginia Grasso學習聲樂。她於2020年獲得曼尼斯音樂學院音和優秀畢業生獎學金(Felix Salzer Techniques of Music Award)。 蔡幸淇現任香港浸會大學的兼職講師,授教音樂理論,視唱練耳和曲式分析。

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