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5 Questions to Ask When Analyzing Music

Updated: Aug 17, 2021

I DON’T LIKE analyzing new music right on the spot. But, I do so very often because … that’s life! Asking these 5 questions provide a snapshot of the important events and structure to any given piece.

1️⃣Key: in what key does your piece begin and end? This gives you a sense of the trajectory of the piece.

2️⃣Modulation: what important keys does the piece visits? How do these keys relate to the home key (the key from which the piece started from)?

3️⃣Cadences: specifically, perfect authentic cadences (PAC). PACs end important sections, which provide information about the form of the piece.

4️⃣Texture: are there prominent changes in texture and figuration?

5️⃣Form: are there sections of music that repeat? Any thematic material that returns later in the piece? Is there another form WITHIN a larger form?🤯 (e.g., binary form within the A section of a ternary form piece)


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