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How to read ANY clef? Treble, bass, tenor, alto clefs and more!

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Composers use different clefs to prevent writing too many ledger lines (the extra lines that we draw on top or below the staff).

What are Clef Symbols?

There are 3 clef symbols: G-clef, F-clef, and C-clef.

Example 1. Clef symbols

The G-clef symbol tells us which line on the staff is the G above middle C (i.e. G4). An example of G-clef is the treble clef.

The F-clef symbol tells us which line on the staff is the F below middle C (i.e. F3). An example of F-clef is the bass clef.

The C-clef symbol tells us which line on the staff is the middle C (i.e. C4). An example of C-clef is the alto clef.

When the clef symbols are placed on different lines of the staff, they create different clefs. Technically, one can place these clef symbols on all five lines of the staff to create as much as 15 different clefs (3 clef symbols multiply by 5 lines on the staff , hence 15 different clefs).

Yet, from tradition, we mainly use these 7 clefs with their names labeled at the bottom:

Example 2. Seven most commonly used clefs and the notation for middle C (C4)

This photo shows you where middle-C is (that is, C4 OR the 4th C from the bottom of an 88 keys piano) in each of these 7 clefs.

How to Practice Clef Reading?

My method for clef-reading is more effective than memorizing acronyms (like FACE to help read treble clef) because my method makes clef-reading automatic, which is the goal for all musicians.

1)Take a clef you wish to work on. Let us say bass clef.

2) Practice identifying only C and G in different registers of the clef. Try to read the notes below as fast as possible while being accurate.

Example 3. Bass clef with C and G in various registers

Answer: C G C G G G C G C C

Why should you practice C and G first? Because these notes divide the octave roughly into half. After you have mastered identifying C and G, you can identify other notes by orienting yourself around C and G.

3) Then, practice notes right above or below C and G, such as D and F, in different registers of the clef.

Write these notes in different registers and read them as quickly as possible.

Example 4. Bass clef with C, G, F and D in various registers

Answer: C G D F D F G C C D

4) Next, introduce all notes of the octave, ONE new note at a time.

Here is an example of introducing the pitch B, after practicing C,G,D, and F.

Answer: D B C B C G F B C F

Introducing the pitch A, after practicing C,G,D, F, and B.

Answer: A B C G D A F A G G

Introducing the pitch E, after practicing C,G,D, F, B, and A.

Answer : E F G D C F E E C G

5) By the end of this process, you will be able to read all pitches in the bass clef

Answer: G A B F G E B E B A

Use the same technique for other clefs, such as tenor clef!

Answer: C G G C C G G C G C

PRO-TIP: Clef reading requires time to cultivate. You might want to solidify reading C and G for a few hours (days or weeks or months) first before adding new notes.

For more practice:

1) Rearrange the order of the notes in the examples above to practice.

2) Visit and choose "Note Identification" to practice.

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